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Memoir Musts

Tips on Memoir Writing

Having more than four years of experience in the industry, Judith loves sharing her story as a former Foreign Services officer and expertise in memoir writing. So, here are her tips for those who want to start writing this type of masterpiece:

1. Read outstanding memoirs to learn the genre.
2. Write a simple statement of what you want to convey in your work.
3. List 10 to 20 unforgettable life occurrences that you must write about.
4. Write a story on each of these memorable moments you listed.

5. Shape your stories into one overall narrative with a beginning, middle, high point, and end.

6. Borrow from fictional elements to show your readers what you are talking about.
7. Stay committed to what you know to be true.

Memoir Musts

Tips on Memoir Writing

Having more than four years of experience in the industry, Judith loves sharing her story as a former Foreign Services officer and expertise in memoir writing. So, here are her tips for those who want to start writing this type of masterpiece:

1. Read outstanding memoirs to learn the genre.
2. Write a simple statement of what you want to convey in your work.
3. List 10 to 20 unforgettable life occurrences that you must write about.
4. Write a story on each of these memorable moments you listed.
5. Shape your stories into one overall narrative with a beginning, middle, high point, and end.
6. Borrow from fictional elements to show your readers what you are talking about.
7. Stay committed to what you know to be true.
A Group of Students Studying
8. Permit yourself to write regularly. Don’t wait for inspiration.
9. Be selective. Writing memoirs is like choosing from a box of fine chocolates.
10. Enroll in a memoir class in your area or online.

Learn more about memoir writing or books by Judith; contact her to invite her to speak at your events. Her books are also available online; buy them on Xlibris Publishing and Amazon.